Friday, November 26, 2010

A Prayer Trinity Circle

Just as our multiple intellegences influence the way that we learn, these intellegences can influence the ways that we pray. Some of us pray better alone, and some in a small group of believers. Some of us pray better using music, and some of us find that visuals enhance our prayer life. Some of us pray better is silence. Some of us even pray best when our hands are in motion.

We can encourage those in our churches to pray by developing a prayer room with visuals and reading materials that can help them pray. Recently I led a retreat for Christian Educators at First United Methodist Church in Springfield, TN. When we toured the building I saw their prayer room with this Trinity Circle and knew that I had to share it with you. They gave me permission to post the picture and information.

Here is what was on the handout beside the Trinity Circle:

The Trinity Circle

QUIET SPACE: You Are Beloved

Spend time experiencing the fullness of God's love for you - the overflowing, enfolding love of God.

(To help with this, read the poem "Our First Love" found on the lectern.)

When you are ready, take three small sections of yarn connected to the trinity circles, and begin to braid them together.

The first section represents the love of the Father,

the second represents the love of Christ,

the third section represents you.

Braiding them together represents the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

When your braid is complete, tie a knot in the end. Just as the knot forever holds the strands together, so you are always held in God's love.

Take a moment to thank God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - for loving and holding you.

Ask God to protect and lead you as you leave this place.

You are always a beloved child of God.